The birds are coming back, flowers are blooming, but apolotrash is always in season.
“Bro, burning people is cool, what’re you talking about?”
“Talk shit about Jesus, get hit”
“Me too! Kill for Jayshus!”
Another soldier for Jaysus wants to slaughter people.
Yahwallahans don’t just demand your obedience during your lifetime; they want it before you’re even born.
“Yay torture and death!”
Comparing women to candy is a very Dum-Dum take that only suckers will fall for.
Thought a global pandemic would make Yahwallahans better? Nah.
HERE IT IS, PEAK ATHEIST HATE DAY SPRING 2020! Just a sample, of course.
Hey all, remember Karen Cindy? She’s back on a new account spamming the #atheist hashtag and being afraid of cookies and cake with her usual stroke victim-level tweets.
More daydreaming about committing violence against people who won’t obey.
Pedo cult member with zero credibility on any moral issues goes from “no u” to ending up confirming exactly what I originally posted in the space of two tweets.

“But why is Yahwallahanism harmful?” I dunno, maybe denial of health issues is one reason…
Well, there’s some degree of honesty here.
Here’s the usual atheist erasure tactics, but at least they’re admitting what Yahwallahanism is really all about: justifying toxic authoritarianism.
Yahwallahans are completely stable and I’m sure this person really saw this.
Self-admitted fash trash tries the NO U card.
I know it comes as a shock, but Yahwallahans want you dead.
This will be followed with “NONE OF YOU ARE CIVIL GO TO MY SITE NOW” and not one atheist-senpai will give a damn.
Yahwallahans can’t have you thinking you’re human now, can they?
“Baka! I don’t want atheist-senpai to notice me at all!”
Okay class, what do Yahwallahans want you to be if you won’t obey again?